To enhance the customer satisfaction, by providing consistent, reliable and value added services Turbomachinery has introduced quality management systems to meet the ISO 9001 - 2000 QMS requirements and was given the Accredition by Indian Register Quality Systems (IRQS). Turbomachinery is committed to establish, document, implement and maintain the QMS and continually improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of the system for an enhanced business performance.
Quality Assurance: Quality is viewed as an ongoing process that shall bring maximum value - addition to our offering, leading to market preference for our product, and hence, overall growth of the organization and its term of people.
Our approach to create quality is:
Maintain consistent quality throughout the process.
Learn and improve continuously by creating a system of continuous feedback on our products from the users and our own customer care team.
Quality Policy: We shall strive to achieve enhanced customer satisfaction in measurable terms with utmost quality and timely supplies, ensuring more values for money. We shall ensure active involvement to improve the process for consistent growth rate.
QMS Implementation: he key processes for implementation of QMS include customer related processes, purchasing including outsourcing, production and service provisions, preservation, control of monitoring and measuring devices, internal audit, control of non-conforming product, continual improvement etc.